Recent Memories is a half-assed retelling of 1979-2009, one year, one story and one conversation at a time.
Season Three: 2004
It’s Bush vs Kerry. Bennifer. Paris Hilton. And American Idol. You’ve heard those stories before. We’re gonna talk about the other ones.

Baseball Malfunction
Season 3. Episode 4: And here’s the story we wanted to figure out for history: In the summer 2004, in the middle of an otherwise rational baseball season, Manny Ramirez dove to cut off a Johnny Damon throw from 20 feet away. Eventually, the Red Sox would reverse an 86 year old World Series curse after making a historic comeback to beat the Yankees. And, along the way, a 40 year old man had the greatest offensive season in the history of baseball. What the shit happened? And, moreover, did I somehow cause all of this?

Man Scream
Season 3. Episode 3. And here’s the story we wanted to figure out for history: In January of 2004, Howard Dean gave an impassioned speech to his supporters following a disappointing finish in the Iowa caucuses. That speech was punctuated by an unusually shrill call to arms that was quickly dubbed “The Dean Scream.” Within weeks, Howard Dean’s once promising presidential campaign was over. Now, nearly 20 years later, it's time to ask: What was the big deal? And moreover, are we sure it was even a scream?

Rico Dynamite
Season 3. Episode 2: With very special guest Dave Dameshek! And here’s the story we wanted to figure out for history: Twenty years after his high school prime, we got the briefest of glimpses of a broken dreamer who claims he could have single-handedly won state and who could still throw a football over a mountain. If we could get into that time machine with Uncle Rico and head back to 1982, what would we see? Would he have gone pro? Would he have outplayed Bubby Brister? And, perhaps most pressing, would he have kept the toupee on under his helmet?

Expos Funeral
Season 3. Episode 1. And here’s the story we wanted to figure out for history: In the Fall of 2004, following a decade of fits and starts, Major League Baseball finally announced that the Expos would be leaving Montreal for Washington D.C. Just weeks later, a band of indie rockers from Montreal, calling themselves Arcade Fire, would arrive in New York and begin to take America by storm. Did Arcade Fire right a wrong? Were they manifested by Andre Dawson and Gary Carter?
Season Two: 1998
It’s Clinton vs. Lewinsky. Dotcom boom 1.0. Britney & NSYNC. The end of Seinfeld. You’ve heard those stories before. We’re gonna talk about the other ones.
Season One: 1983
It’s peak Reagan. Thriller. MTV. Bird vs Magic. Return of The Jedi. You’ve heard those stories before. We’re gonna talk about the other ones.